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Powerpoint Presentation on Cloud Computing

The presentation is on Cloud Computing which briefly describes following topics from which you get over all basic ideas about 'What is Cloud Computing?' 
  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • Evolution of Cloud Computing.
  • Architecture of Cloud Computing.
  • Types of Cloud Computing.
  • Services offered by Cloud.
  • Advantages of Cloud Computing.
  • Disadvantages of Cloud Computing.
  • References.

Download Cloud Computing Presentation

Difference Between Adapter class and Listeners Interface

When we implement a listener interface in any class then we must have to implement all the methods declared in that interface because all the methods in an interface are final and must be override in class which implement it. For example consider the following program which demonstrates handling of mouse events by implementing listener interface. 
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

/*<applet code="MouseEvents" height="300" width="300">

Public class MouseEvents extends Applet implements MouseListener
 Public void init()
 Public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me)
 Public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me)

 Public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me)

 Public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me)

 Public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me)

Our above example for handling mouse events implements MouseListener interface so the class MouseEvent has to implement all the five methods listed below.

  1. public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me)
  2. public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me)
  3. public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me)
  4. public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me)
  5. public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me)
This can be inconvenient because if we want to use only one or two methods in your program then? It is not suitable solution to implement all the methods every time even we don’t need them. Adapter class makes it easy to deal with this situation. An adapter class provides empty implementations of all methods defined by that interface.

Adapter classs are very useful if you want to override only some of the methods defined by that interface. Here the names of Listener interface and corresponding interface are given which are in java.awt.event package.

Now consider a situation in which we want to perform any action only when mouse clicked and mouse releases then we should have to override mouseClicked() and mouseReleased() method. In this case if we use the listener interface then we must have to implements all the above five methods, the adapter class MouseAdapter will minimize programmer’s work. Following example demonstrate the use of Adapter class in place of Listener interface.
implementing MouseListener.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

/*<applet code="MouseEvents" height="300" width="300">

Public class MouseEvents extends Applet extens MouseAdapter

 Public void init()

 /*no need to implement all the methods because default implementation given in adapter class*/
 Public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me)

 Public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me)

Variable’s Type can be Changed on The Fly In JavaScript

Program Definition: Write a JavaScript that shows how a variable’s type can be changed on-the-fly.

Almost everything you want to do in JavaScript is going to involve moving data from one variable to another variable, otherwise manipulating the value of variables. In JavaScript much of the information holds in variables. The JavaScript is “loosely typed”  language like PHP, means any type of value can be assigned to a single variable without specifying datatype, is called changed on fly.

Changing on the fly means that if you start with a variable holding numeric value and use it in calculation and later you store string value in the same variable. The following JavaScript example demonstrates you How variable's type changed on the fly.

<title>How Variable Change on the Fly in JavaScript</title>

<script language="javascript">
document.write("<h1>How Variable's Type Change on Fly</h1>");
document.write("<b>At the starting the valu of variable n1 is numeric</b><br/>");
document.write("Value of n1="+n1+"<br/>");
document.write("<b/>Then we assigned the string value to the same variable n1</b><br/>");
n1="Hello JavaScript";
document.write("Value of n1="+n1+"<br/>");

document.write("<b>Now we again assigned Floating value to the variable n1</b><br/>");
document.write("Value of n1="+n1+"<br/>");

document.write("<h4>This way we can assigned any type of value to same <br>variable is calles variable value change on The Fly</h4><br/>");

<a href=''>For More Examples and Materials Visit GTU Guru</a>

Output on Web Browser:

Google's Doodle For Republic Day!

Today is India's 63rd Republic Day, The web search giant Google celebrates the country’s Republic Day by displaying its Doodle on Republic theme on When we click on the Doodle it shows the search results related to India's Republic Day.

Republic Day Doodle
Google's Doodle on Republic Day of India

The Doodle shows three elephants, three umbrella with tricolor-saffron, white, and green as our national flag has. We are celebrating this day to honor memory of the declaration of the independence of 1930 when our country become independent. On this day the parade takes place in the New Delhi, capital of our country. We salute to all who scarified their lives for our country. We at GTUGuru wish all our GTU students, followers and visitors a very happy Republic Day.

Jay Hind!

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How To Analyze Website Speed?

The time website (or webpage) takes to load in browser is called load time; it is very important factor of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The amount of time user spent on webpage is called Visit Length, less the load time, more the visit length.

Suppose You want to find materials of Java, you have entered ‘Java Study Materials’ in Google and clicked on the very first link shown in the result, you have high speed internet connection but still the link you clicked takes much time to load what you will do? Just click on close button and go for finding new website in search result. Am I right?

Many of us have faced above situation. So finally we can conclude that user always love the website which load faster!

The website site speed becomes very important issue for SEOs after Google announced that “Site speed is also considered in Google’s Page Rank Algorithm”, after that announcement Web developers and Web designer focusing on improvement of site speed. is a online website for speed analyzer. This website uses Google Page Speed and Yahoo YSlow as analyzing engine to analyze speed of the website. The site gives detailed reports related to website speed and elements which affect the speed. You can compare the website speed performance up to 4 URLs.  

Following task you can perform with GTmetrix :
  • Analyze speed of website and compare with past performance
  • You can schedule daily/weekly 
  • You can save website performance report
  • You can set any reports to be shown to other users.

Big Flop of Aakash Ubislate Tablet

Everyone is aware about the India’s cheapest tablet computer Aakash. If you are not aware about the Aakash tablet and it’s features the go through Aakash tablte features. The Aakash tablet was launched by Indian Government and  DataWind  for the students.  In short time Aakash tablet has become most popular tablet in India but the users who get Aakash tablet has reported numbers of problems that they faced in tablet device.

akash tablet flop
Aakash Tablet Become Flop Tablet

Users Reported Following Problems About Ubislate 7

  • Tablet has very poor performance speed because tablet has low processing power of 366MHZ.
  • Internet can be accessible using Wi-Fi connectivity. It has not SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) slot so GPRS service cannot be accessible.
  • Android Market place can’t be accessible from the Aakash tablet.
  • Touch Screen performance is very poor.
  • It gets heating up Faster.
  • The battery  life of Aakash tablet is very less.
The users who get the Aakash tablet first are happy because they get tablet earlier but very unhappy due to the poor performance of the Aakash tablet.  After reviewing all above problems the Indian Government decide to reject the LOC (Letter Of Credit)  from the DataWind and start finding another company for better manufacturer of tablet device.

Program to Encode the Message Using Mono Alphabetic Sub-Stitution Cipher


char monocipher_encr(char);
char alpha[27][3]={
{'a','f'}, {'b','a'}, {'c','g'}, {'d','u'}, {'e','n'}, {'f','i'}, {'g','j'}, {'h','k'}, {'i','l'}, {'j','m'}, {'k','o'}, {'l','p'}, {'m','q'}, {'n','r'}, {'o','s'}, {'p','t'}, {'q','v'}, {'r','w'}, {'s','x'}, {'t','y'}, {'u','z'}, {'v','b'}, {'w','c'}, {'x','d'}, {'y','e'}, {'z','h'}
char str[20];

int main()
        char str[20],str2[20];
        int i;
        printf("\n Enter String..");
        printf("\n Before Decryption..%s",str);
        printf("\n After Decryption..%s\n",str2);
char monocipher_encr(char a)
        int i;
                if(a == alpha[i][0])
        return alpha[i][1];

Program to Encode the Message Using Caecer Cipher.


char ciper_en(char);
char ciper_dn(char);
char a[27]={'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
                     'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z',' '};
int main()
        char s[10],s1[20],s2[20];
        int i,j;
        printf("\n Enter the string:");
        printf(" \n Before Decryption ...%s ", s1);
        printf(" \n After Decryption ...%s\n ", s2);
        printf(" \n After Encryption...%s \n ", s);


char ciper_en(char a1)
        int i;
        if(a1==' ')
                return a1;

        return a[(i+3)%26];

char ciper_dn(char a1)
        int i;
        static int n=1;
        if(a1==' ')
                return a1;
        return a[(i-3)%26];

Program to Generate the Polynomial Equation for Frame Bit

struct s
        int seq_no,frame[10],parity;
struct poly
        int data,p;
        struct poly *link;
void parityCount(struct s[]);
void print(struct s[]);
void sender(int *,int);
void reciver(struct s[]);
void poly();
void polydisplay();
int main()
        char str[20];
        int i,j,as,q,arr[10],a[50],n,k;
        printf("Enter any string..");
        printf("\n\n String in binary..\n\n");
        return 0;
int len;
void sender(int a[],int i)
        int j,no=0,k;
        printf("\n Sending data..\n\n");

void poly()  // For creating the polynomial using structure.
        int i,j,k;
        struct poly *q,*tmp;
        printf("\nenterd into poly..\n");
                                start=(struct poly*)malloc(sizeof(struct poly));
                                tmp=(struct poly*)malloc(sizeof(struct poly));

void polydisplay() // Display the polynomial.
        struct poly *temp;
        int i=0;
                                printf("  + 1");
                                printf(" x ^ %d +",temp->p);

void parityCount(struct s *s1)
        int ans=0,j,k;
                        ans=ans ^ s1[j].frame[k];

void print(struct s s1[])
        int j,k;
                printf("\n\t%d \t ",s1[j].seq_no);
                printf("\t %d ",s1[j].parity);

Program to Create the Hamming Code for Given Message

int power(int,int);
void hamming();
int a[50],n;
int main()
        char str[20];
        int i,j,as,q,arr[10],k;
        printf("Enter any string..");
        printf("\n\n String in binary..\n\n");
        printf("\n Before adding checkbits..\n");
        return 0;

void hamming()
        int h[10][11],i,j;
        int len=n/7,no=0,c=0,k;
        int index[4][5]={
{3,5,7,9,11}, {3,6,7,10,11}, {5,6,7,0,0}, {9,10,11,0,0}
        int p[4]={1,2,4,8};
                        if(j!=1 && j!=2 && j!=4 && j!=8)
                        if(j!=1 && j!=2 && j!=4 && j!=8)
                                printf("  %d",h[i][j]);

                                        h[i][p[k]]=h[i][p[k]] ^ h[i][index[k][j]];

        printf("\n\n CodeWords \n");
                printf("  %d",i);
        printf("\n  ---------------------------------\n");

                        printf("  %d",h[i][j]);

int power(int n,int c)
        int i,p=1;
        return p;

Program to add the parity bit to frames at sender site & check at receiver side for correct recipient of data!


struct s
        int seq_no,frame[10],parity;
void copy(struct s[]);
void parityCount(struct s[]);
void print(struct s[]);
void error(int *);
void sender(int *,int);
void reciver(struct s[]);
int main()
        char str[20];
        int i,j,as,q,arr[10],a[50],n,k;
        printf("Enter any string..");
        printf("\n\n String in binary..\n\n");
        return 0;
int len;
void sender(int a[],int i)
        int j,no=0,k;
        printf("\n Sending data..\n\n");
void copy(struct s temp[])  // After receiving check for correct frame. 
        int j,k;
void parityCount(struct s *s1) // For count the parity bits of frame.
        int ans=0,j,k;
                        ans=ans ^ s1[j].frame[k];

void print(struct s s1[]) // Printing individual frames.
        int j,k;
                printf("\n\t%d \t ",s1[j].seq_no);
                printf("\t %d ",s1[j].parity);
void error(int *a)  // To give the error to frame.
        int j;

void reciver(struct s s2[])
        int k,j,flg=1;
                if(s2[j].parity != tmp[j].parity)

                printf("\n Wrong Data Recievd..\n");

                printf("\n Correct Data Recievd..\n");

        printf("\n Recived data..\n\n");

Program to stuff the Byte After Specified Characters


int main()
        char str[20],str1[5][10];
        int i,j,len,no,n;
        printf("\n Enter message..\n");
        printf("\n Enter no to byte stuffing..");
                printf("\n Iteration : %d :",i+1);
        return 0;

Program to Shift One Bit to Left or Right.


int main()
 int a,ar[10],q,i=0,j;
 printf("\n Enter the Number:");
 printf("\n In Binary :");
 printf("\n In ASCII : %d",a);
 a=a >> 1;  // Here right shift 1 bit. 
 q=a;   i=0;
 printf("\n In Ascii..%d",a);
return 0;

Write a Program to convert the ASCII to binary & Binary to ASCII

int main()
 int a,q,i=0,j,ans=0;
 int arr[10];
 char c;
 printf("\n Enter any character :");
 printf("\nAscii To Binary..\n");
 printf("\n Binary to Ascii..%d & Char .. %c\n",ans,ans);
return 0;

GTU MCA Regular Exam Papers

GTU Exam Papers

On this page you get MCA previous year exam papers of Semester 1, 2 , 3, 4 and 5. These are Regular exam papers of GTU University. Use this collection  of previous year exam papers for your practice and perform preparation well.

You can also download Internal exam papers of various colleges form this link for your mid term exam preparation.

Regular University Question Papers:
  1. Semester 1 Regular Papers
  2. Semester 2 Regular Papers
  3. Semester 3 Regular Papers
  4. Semester 4 Regular Papers
  5. Semester 5 Regular Papers

Mobile OS Android Tutorials, Videos and Resources

Android Tutorials
GTU (Gujarat Technological University) has introduced subject Mobile Computing using Android in 5th semester syllabus. An Android is developed by Google and now a day it becomes most popular mobile operating system because it is open source and free.  Development with Android becomes easier because it has similar syntax to java and traditional C and C++.  Android contains large set of C/C++ libraries to support various components of Android OS.

On this page you will get list of various websites which provides free android tutorials, learning materials and examples, android application downloads and many more resources. These resources will become very helpful for GTU MCA students to learn Android and make their own application in android.

Useful Websites to learn Android Quickly

Classpad Tablet Launched By Rohit Pande - Tablet War Started!

The tablet war started with the launching of Classpad Tablet by Rohit Pandae. He is a graduate from IIT (Indian Institute of technology) Delhi and CEO of Classteacher Learning System.  As we all know that the Government of India has developed Aakash Ubislate tablet for students, so the  launching of classpad becomes war between Aakash and Classpad.
Classpad Tablet V/s Akash Tablet

Classpad is more customized tablet for students as compared to Aakash Ubislate tablet. It is more personalized tablet which will provides interactive learning and teaching for students and teachers. This tablet will give the competition to Aakash in Indian tablet market.

Classpad tablet
Launching of Classpad Tablet
Classpad is Android based touch screen tablet which has seven – hour battery life, 1.3 Ghz processing speed. It has built in 4 GB Memory expandable up to 8 GB.  It is available in two versions two models Troelly which is designed for multiple-students based usage and One Tablet Per Child (OTPC).

Mr. Rohit Pande, Chief Executive of Classteacher Learning Systems, said, “Using Classpad, teachers would be able to transfer class work to the students' tablet effortlessly, share their own content and conduct tests/assessments without any hassle. Students can also attempt assessments and get immediate results and enhance their learning techniques.”
The Classpad is more costly then Aakash tablet because it provides more facility and advancement then aakash tablet. Classpad priced from Re. 7500 to 14000 which comes in three versions Classpad 7, Classpad 8 and Classpad 10 which can be used by 3 to 12 Std students.

Many competitors of Aakash tablet found golden opportunities in Indian market for tablet computers. All companies try to provide tablet with better functionality in chipper cost so at final customer and students will get benefits in this tablet war.

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Useful Website For Students- Provides Internships For College Students is a website which provides internship  and training opportunities in various companies.  On this site you get many internship opportunities offered by various companies, some internships has  stipand  so students can also make money from this site.

Visit to find internship for various fields such as internship for IT students, Engineering students, Management students on software development, Marketing  Research, Art and design etc. Students form various graduation and post graduation such as  BCA, B.Com, BBA, BA, B.Sc, MBA, MCA and ME students can find internship and join it.

This  website also provides regular updates on various college events , Symposiums , Scholarships, seminars,conferences, and competition. It also provided information about world  wide comptions which is open to all graduates  students. Visit for find out event you intrested to participate.

If you are looking to join right course for your career then you can  find your interested cource from this site and join it. It also provides Online courses but  for that you must have media to join online course. For online  courses visit  This website is very helpful for students who want to make their career. For regularly get updates form this site you have to subscribe via  email. You can also freely register to this site to visit and get updates. 

Syllabus Distributed Computing DC1

Subject Name: Elective I – Distributed Computing (DC1)
Subject Code: 640006

Total Theory : 4          Tutorial: 1             Practical : 0              Credit: 5

Source :
Download  DC1 Syllabus PDF

Learning Objectives:

  • To be able to connect two machines.
  • To explore the client-server paradigm and implementation of simple client server applications.
  •  To learn web services protocol

Prerequisites: Knowledge of the Core Java Programming and Networking


1.Distributed Computing (2 Lect.)

An Introduction, Definitions, The History of Distributed Computing, Different Forms of Computing, Strengths and Weaknesses of Distributed Computing, Basics of Operating Systems, Network Basics, The Architecture of Distributed Applications

2. Inter-process Communications (5 Lect.)

An Archetypal IPC Program Interface, Event Synchronization, Timeouts and Threading, Deadlocks and Timeouts, Data Representation, Data Encoding, Text-Based Protocols, Request-Response Protocols, Event Diagram and Sequence Diagram, Connection-Oriented versus Connectionless IPC

3. Distributed Computing Paradigms (3 Lect.)

Paradigms and Abstraction, An Example Application, Paradigms for Distributed Applications

4. The Socket API (5 Lect.)

Background, The Socket Metaphor in IPC, The Datagram Socket API, The Stream-Mode Socket API, Sockets With Nonblocking I/O Operations, Secure Socket API

5. The Client-Server Paradigm (6 Lect.)

Background, Client-Server Paradigm Issues, Software Engineering for a Network Service, Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Servers, Iterative Server and Concurrent Server, Stateful Servers

6. Group Communication (4 Lect.)

Unicasting versus Multicasting, An Archetypal Multicast API, Connectionless versus Connection Oriented Multicast, Reliable Multicasting versus Unreliable Multicasting, The Java Basic Multicast API, Reliable Multicast API

7. Distributed Objects (4 Lect.)

Message Passing versus Distributed Objects, An Archetypal Distributed Object Architecture, Distributed Object Systems, Remote Procedure Calls, Remote Method Invocation, The Java RMI Architecture, The API for the Java RMI, A Sample RMI Application, Steps for Building an RMI Application, Testing and Debugging, Comparison of RMI And Socket APIs

8. Internet Applications (2 Lect.)

Web Session and Session State Data

9. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (6 Lect.)

The Basic Architecture, The CORBA Object Interface, Inter-ORB Protocols, Object Servers and Object Clients, CORBA Object References, CORBA Naming Service and The Interoperable Naming Service, CORBA Object Services, Object Adapters, Java IDL

10. Web Services (11 Lect.)
The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), JAX-WS, RESTFUL WEB SERVICES

Text Books:
  1. M. L. Liu, “Distributed Computing Principles and Applications”, Pearson Education
  2. Mark Hansen, “SOA using JAVA Web Services”, Prentice Hall
Other Reference Books:

  1. Crichlow, “Distributed Systems: Computing over Networks”, PHI
  2. Tanenbaum, Sten, “Distributed Systems - Principles and Paradigms”, PHI
  3. Puder, “Distributed Systems Architecture - A Middleware Approach”, Science & Technology Books
  4. Lynch, “Distributed Algorithms” Science & Technology Books
Chapter wise Coverage from the Main Reference Books:

  • Book # 1: Chp. 1 to 7, 9, 10, 11 (according to the points included)
  • Book # 2: Chp. 3, 4 (upto 4.4)

Syllabus Data Warehousing Data Mining DWDM

Subject Name: Elective I – Data Warehousing & Data Mining (DWDM)
Subject Code: 640005 (Elective Subject)
Total Theory : 4          Tutorial: 1             Practical : 0              Credit: 5

Source :
Download  DWDM Syllabus PDF

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the need of Data Warehouses over Databases, and the difference between usage of operational and historical data repositories.
  • To be able to differentiate between RDBMS schemas & Data Warehouse Schemas.
  • To understand the concept of Analytical Processing (OLAP) and its similarities & differences with respect to Transaction Processing (OLTP).
  • To conceptualize the architecture of a Data Warehouse and the need for pre-processing.
  • To understand the need for Data Mining and advantages to the business world. The validating criteria for an outcome to be categorized as Data Mining result will be understood.  
  • To get a clear idea of various classes of Data Mining techniques, their need, scenarios (situations) and scope of their applicability.
  •  To learn the algorithms used for various type of Data Mining problems.

Pre-requisites:  Knowledge of RDBMS and OLTP


Unit 1. Introduction to Data Warehousing, A Multi-dimensional Data Model & Schemas,
OLAP Operations & Servers (6 Lect.)
  • An overview and definition along with clear understanding of the four key-words appearing in the definition.
  • Differences between Operational Database Systems and Data Warehouses; Difference between OLTP & OLAP
  • Overview of Multi-dimensional Data Model, and the basic differentiation between “Fact” and “Dimension”; Multi-dimensional Cube
  • Concept Hierarchies of “Dimensions” Parameters: Examples and the advantages
  • Star, Snowflakes, and Fact Constellations Schemas for Multi-dimensional Databases
  • Measures: Their Categorization and Computation
  • Pre-computation of Cubes, Constraint on Storage Space, Possible Solutions
  • OLAP Operations in Multi-dimensional Data Model: Roll-up, Drill-down, Slice & Dice, Pivot (Rotate)
  • Indexing OLAP Data; Efficient Processing of OLAP Queries
  • Type of OLAP Servers: ROLAP versus MOLAP versus HOLAP
  • Metadata Repository
2. Data Warehouse Architecture; Further Development of Data Cube & OLAP Technology (3 Lect.)

  • The Design of A Data Warehouse: A Business Analysis Framework; The Process of Data Warehouse Design 
  • A 3-Tier Data Warehouse Architecture; Enterprise Warehouse, Data mart, Virtual Warehouse
  • Discovery-Driven Exploration of Data Cubes; Complex Aggregation at Multiple Granularity: Multi-feature Cubes
  • Constrained Gradient Analysis of Data Cubes
3. P re-processing (7 Lect.)
  • The need for Pre-processing, Descriptive Data Summarization
  • Data Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Data, Data Cleaning as a Process
  • Data Integration & Transformation
  • Data Cube Aggregation; Attribute Subset Selection 
  • Dimesionality Reduction: Basic Concepts only
  • Numerosity Reduction: Regression & Log-linear Models, Histograms, Clustering, Sampling
  • Data Dicretization & Concept Hierarchy Generation
  • For Numerical Data: Binning, Histogram Analysis, Entropy-based Discretization, Interval Merging by 2 Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Discretization by Intuitive Partitioning
  • For Categorical Data
4. Data Mining: Introduction (4 Lect.)
  • An Overview; What is Data Mining; Data Mining – on What Kind of Data
  • Data Mining Functionalities – What Kind of Patterns Can be Mined; Concept/Class Description: Characterization & Discrimination; Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations, and Correlations; Classification & Prediction; Cluster Analysis; Outlier Analysis
  • Are All of the Patterns Interesting
  • Classification of Data Mining Systems
  • Data Mining Task Primitives
  • Integration of a Data Mining System with a Database or Data Warehouse System
  • Major Issues in Data Mining
5. Attribute-Oriented Induction: An Alternate Method for Data Generalization & Concept Description (4 Lect.)
  • Attribute-Oriented Induction for Data Characterization, and Its Efficient Implementation; Presentation of the Derived Generalization
  • Mining Class Comparisons: Discrimination between Different Classes
  • Class Descriptions: Presentation of both Characterization & Comparison
6. Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations, and Correlations (4 Lect.)

  • Basic Concepts: Market Basket Analysis; Frequent Itemsets, Closed Itemsets, and Association Rules; Frequent Pattern Mining: A Roadmap 
  • Apriori Algorithm: Finding Frequent Itemsets Using Candidate Generation; Generating Association Rules from Frequent Itemsets; Improving the Efficiency of Apriori
  • From Association Mining to Correlation Analysis; Strong Rules Are Not Necessarily Interesting: An Example; From Association Analysis to Correlation Analysis
7. Classification & Prediction (9+2 Lect.)

  • Introduction to Classification and Prediction; Basics of Supervised & Unsupervised Learning; Preparing the Data for Classification and Prediction; Comparing Classification and Prediction Methods
  • Classification by Decision Tree Induction, Attribute Selection Measures; Tree Pruning; Scalability and Decision Tree Induction
  • Rule-based Classification: Using IF-THEN Rules for Classification; Rule Extraction from a Decision Trees; Rule Induction Using a Sequential Covering Algorithm
  • Bayesian Classification: Bayes’ Theorem, Naïve Bayesian Classification; Bayesian Belief Networks
  • An Overview of Other Classification Methods (2 Lectures)
  • Prediction: Linear Regression; Non-linear Regression; Other Regression Mode
  • Classifier Accuracy and Error Measures: Classifier Accuracy Measures; Predictor Error Measures
  • Evaluating the Accuracy of a Classifier or Predictor: Holdout Method and Random Subsampling; Cross Validation; Bootstrap
  • Ensemble Methods – Increasing the Accuracy: Bagging; Boosting
8. Cluster Analysis (6+2 Lect.)

  • Introduction to Cluster Analysis; Types of Data in Cluster Analysis; A Categorization of major Clustering Methods
  • Partitioning Methods; Centroid-Based Technique: K-Means Method; Overview of Other Clustering Methods
  • An Overview of Other Clustering Methods (2 Lectures)
  • Outlier Analysis; Statistical Distribution-based Outlier Detection; Distance-based Outlier Detection; Density-based Outlier Detection; Deviation-based Outlier Detection
9. Data Mining Applications (3 Lect.)

  • Data Mining for: (a) Financial Data Analysis; (b) The Retail Industry; (c) The Telecommunication Industry; (d) Biological Data Analysis; (e) Other Scientific Applications; (f) Intrusion detection
  • Data Mining Systems: (a) How to Choose; (b) Examples of Commercial Data Mining Systems

Text Book:

  1. Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts & Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (2002)

Other Reference Books:

  1. W. H. Inmon, “Building the Data Warehouse”, Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Mohanty, Soumendra, “Data Warehousing: Design, Development and Best Practices”, Tata McGraw Hill (2006)
  3. Pieter Adriaans & Dolf Zentinge, “Data Mining”, Addison-Wesley, Pearson (2000) Rs. 195/-
  4. Daniel T. Larose, “Data Mining Methods & Models”, Wiley-India (2007)
  5. Vikram Pudi & P. Radhakrishnan, “Data Mining”, Oxford University Press (2009)
  6. Alex Berson & Stephen J. Smith, “Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP”, Tata McGraw-Hill (2004)
  7. Michael J. A. Berry & Gordon S. Linoff, “Data Mining Techniques”, Wiley-India (2008)
  8. Richard J. Roiger & Michael W. Geatz, “Data Mining – a Tutorial-based Primer”, Pearson
  9. Education (2005)
  10. Margaret H. Dunham & S. Sridhar, “Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics”,
  11. Pearson Education (2008) Rs. 235/-
  12. G. K. Gupta, “Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies”, EEE, PHI (2006) Rs. 325/-

Chapter wise Coverage from the Text Books:

  • Unit-1: 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.2.1 to 3.2.6, 3.4.1 to 3.4.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5
  • Unit-2: 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.2.1 to 4.2.3
  • Unit-3: 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1 to 2.2.3, 2.3.1 to 2.3.3, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, (Introductory Portion of 2.5.3), 2.5.4, 2.6, 2.6.1, 2.6.2
  • Unit-4: 1.1 to 1.3: 1.3.1 to 1.3.4, 1.4, 1.4.1 to 1.4.5, 1.5 to 1.9
  • Unit-5: 4.3.1 to 4.3.5
  • Unit-6: 5.1.1 to 5.1.3, 5.2.1 to 5.2.3, 5.4, 5.4.1, 5.4.2
  • Unit-7: 6.1, 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3, 6.3.1 to 6.3.4, 6.5, 6.5.1 to 6.5.3, 6.4, 6.4.1 to 6.4.3, 6.11, 6.11.1 to 6.11.3, 6.12, 6.12.1, 6.12.2, 6.13, 6.13.1 to 6.13.3, 6.14, 6.14.1, 6.14.2
  • Unit-8: 7.1, 7.2, 7.2.1 to 7.2.5, 7.3, 7.4, 7.4.1, 7.11, 7.11.1 to 7.11.4
  • Unit-9: 11.1, 11.1.1 to 11.1.6, 11.2, 11.2.1, 11.2.2

Accomplishment of the students after completing the course:

  •  Ability to create a Star Schema for a given Data Warehousing requirements
  • Ability to decide the number & levels of pre-computed Data Cubes, the corresponding Metadata, and the appropriate OLAP operation
  • Ability to apply pre-processing on existing operational & historical data for creation of Data Warehouse
  • Ability to apply Apriori algorithm for Association Mining
  • Ability to apply Decision Tree and Bayesian algorithms for Classification
  • Ability to mine Statistical Measures in large databases
  • Ability to differentiate between Classification & Clustering, and similarly between Supervised Learning & Unsupervised Learning

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Components (CEC): Case study

  1.  Data Warehouse Applications: CRM; SCM; Banking sector; Insurance sector; Retail banking Industry case study, Hospital application.
  2. Design a data mart from scratch to store the credit history of customers of a bank. Use this credit profiling to process future loan applications.
  3. Design and build a Data Warehouse using bottom up approach titled ‘Citizen Information System’. This should be able to serve the analytical needs of the various government departments and also provide a global integrated view.

Group Project:

Based on their collective work experience, each group should identify, and to the extent possible, execute a business intelligence project that relies on the data mining techniques we will cover in the class. The key tasks here are:
  • To identify a business problem or a series of interesting questions that deal with either classification, prediction or clustering
  • Identify sources of data that could potentially be useful in addressing your questions
  • Pre-process – clean, validate, visualize your data
  • Develop your model considering alternative techniques, selecting the most appropriate one in the process.
  • Interpret your results, and write a final report including an executive summary of your findings. This will be due during the finals week.
  • Prepare a 10-15 minute presentation for the last class meeting
Laboratory Exercise

The objective of the lab exercises is to use data mining techniques to identify customer segments and understand their buying behavior and to use standard databases available to understand DM processes using WEKA (or any other DM tool)

  1. Gain insight for running pre- defined decision trees and explore results using MS OLAP Analytics.
  2. Using IBM OLAP Miner – Understand the use of data mining for evaluating the content of multidimensional cubes.
  3. Using Teradata Warehouse Miner – Create mining models that are executed in SQL. BI Portal Lab: The objective of the lab exercises is to integrate pre-built reports into a portal application.
  4. Publish cognos cubes to a business intelligence portal. Metadata & ETL Lab: The objective of the lab exercises is to implement metadata import agents to pull metadata from leading business intelligence tools and populate a metadata repository. To understand ETL processes.
  5. Import metadata from specific business intelligence tools and populate a metadata repository.
  6. Publish metadata stored in the repository.
  7. Load data from heterogeneous sources including text files into a pre-defined warehouse schema.

Major Tools for Lab Exercise:
  1. Weka (an Open Source) by The University of Waikato
  2. IBM Intelligent Miner
  3. MS OLAP Analytics
  4. XLMiner
  5. Programming in “R”

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